Merlin & Water Dragons - Your Own Destiny Workshop
This workshop is now available on MP3/4 download automatically at purchase.
This course was recorded at a new moon as this was the powerful portal to bring the channeling through. You can listen any time to the recording and go back into the portal for the powerful experience.
Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course.
Workshop took place 10th March 2024.
You are invited to join Auraengus Manu, Merlin the Celtic Wizard and the Water Dragons to harness the energy of this New Moon in Pisces as they support us in allowing ‘Our Own Destiny’ to evolve.
The New Moon is in the Water Sign of Pisces which is bringing to the surface unhealed emotional blocks and challenges.
Many of us feel we are not in control of our lives, our emotions, our thoughts and have no power to action changes in life or that when we try we are not successful.
Some of us over-manage our destinies, not allowing the space for Divine creative inspiration and assistance to come through, due to fear and a need to be in control, to feel safe in this Earth body.
As part of the Ascension process however, we are the architects of our Divine Destiny.
Merlin says all roads lead to one.
Meaning that we do have choices about how our life is playing out, but often our emotions override Divine Path opportunities.
So whether your emotional blocks are fear, anger, jealousy, grief, apathy, rejection, hurt, unworthiness it is time for them to be healed.
So you can manage your destiny and make choices from the heart not the ego space.
In this healing session Merlin will work with you to help you have the Earth experiences you are seeking as a soul to enable you to learn and grown and heal on your destiny path.
The session takes the form of a Guided Merlin and the Water Dragons Vortex meditation through Auraengus Manu.
As a New Moon Finale the Lotus Gong will provide Balancing and Harmonising as well as downloading the codes and frequencies for the Lunar month ahead, in the build up to the Equinox later in the month of March 2024.
The Water Dragons assist us with the transformation of emotional blocks to your path ahead.
Liberating you in a way you have not been free on Earth in this incarnation before.
You have the opportunity in the New Moon wishes to look at your life going ahead and to tune into your true soul destiny.
Merlin will show you how to navigate the the easiest path for you.
In this healing session:
You are lead on a Merlin and the Water Dragons invocation to open the healing space and to assist you in connecting with their energies.
You can make New Moon wishes and take time to acknowledge the emotional blocks holding you back from your Divine destiny path.
You can connect with the Water Dragons through their Ascension Sphere attunement to raise your vibrational frequency.
You will experience Merlin Vortex group healing channeled by Auraengus Manu.
Auraengus runs different flavours of Merlin Vortex through the group and takes you on a guided journey with Merlin channeling through him.
Merlin is a powerful Ascended Master, healer, alchemist, guide and wizard.
Merlin will be working to support you with your Divine Destiny showing you what it is if you are unaware or unsure of your purpose for this Earth incarnation and what your soul is seeking to learn from this opportunity.
This healing will take the form of an energy transmission with Auraengus Manu and Merlin guiding you through this powerful Merlin Vortex group healing session so you can make the inner shifts your soul is seeking at this time and for the future also.
At the start of the workshop Auraengus will also bring through a channeling from Merlin.
A beautiful New Year and New moon in Pisces Lotus Gong healing session will be offered to deeply relax and support your central nervous systems through the changes occurring at this time.
Merlin Vortex is a very powerful technique, it can work on addressing underlying physical and emotional health issues as well as removing spiritual blocks, Karmic knots and repairing any Divine Webbing breakages.
Merlin will not only perform Auric healing work upon you, but also energetic removal of any entities and vibrations that are not conducive to your highest and best that are held within your matrix.
The magic of the Vortex is here to support you at this time on your own unique Ascension Path.
Merlin has decided to offer us monthly group healings since 2022 so more people can benefit from his healing skills and wisdom.
Please sign up to the newsletter to be notified of future courses.
Channelled message from Merlin :
“Greetings, greetings dear ones.
It is a great delight for me to step forward once again to support you through the Ascension shifts.
It is important at this time to keep your energy levels high and to refine your energy frequencies to you can fulfil your destiny as healers, channels, Earth healers, holders of the Divine templates.
There is no letting up or taking breaks from this process of Ascension that has been embarked upon.
Many of you may feel the challenges are getting too great and if you slow it down things will ease off but this is not the case.
The intensity will increase and your navigation ways out become more burdensome.
Think of this process like running a marathon.
The effort is to start the training and the first few weeks are tough but once you have got a level of fitness it is easy to maintain if you stay focussed and on keep your training up.
This is true of the path you are on. The emotional build ups are coming to a head at this time as now you can no longer ignore them or let them hold you back.
Your guides are pushing lovingly for you to look at these inner blocks.
The universe always provides if you ask and trust.
I am here to support you on this journey with my dragon team to make the transformation easier and more fulfilling for you.
I look forward to our time today.
Blessed Be”
For this healing it is recommended that you have a comfortable, peaceful and sacred place to receive it whether live or via the recording.
The transmission can be listened to as many times are you feel with support you and even years later it will be a benefit to you.
Have a blanket to keep you warm and plenty of fresh water to keep you hydrated.
As with all healing ( and indeed all life!) it is best to make sure you are well hydrated before the start.
Transmission Preparation & information
In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at the office [email protected] or [email protected]
Technical issues: [email protected]
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard