The Phoenix energy is very powerful and calling on the energy of the Phoenix allows you to move with grace and ease out of where you are into a new way of being arriving at the new you. The Phoenix, often depicted as rising out of the ashes, allows you to step into the new you, the real you and allows any parts of yourself that are disingenuous to be released, any fears or other negative emotions to be cleansed and transformed by the use of the elements.
This is a Consciousness of transformation, rebirth, and liberation.
Since the 21.12.12 moment and the start of fast tracking of the Ascension Process on Earth those who were drawn to work with the Phoenix Consciousness have been pioneering the way through working with the various stages of the Phoenix Rebirth process.
Leading all of humanity consciously or unconsciously through the different Phoenix Gateways.
First the Silver Phoenix energy was activated on Earth, then the Golden Phoenix energy in 2016 and now at the Equinox Point on 20th March 2021, the Rainbow Gateway opens.
The Rainbow Phoenix utilises all the qualities and colours of the Rainbow Rays to guide us further into our soul liberation rebirth process.
Phoenix Channellings:
Phoenix Consciousness, 10.03.21
“Greetings, greetings, greetings, we are the universal consciousness of the Phoenix, just like the dragon consciousness, just like the angel consciousness, just like the fairy consciousness. The phoenix consciousness is a frequency, a vibration available to support you whilst you are on the earth plane. The phoenix energy comes to you when you are ready to move forward on your mission.Now it is an exciting time on earth for in the past after the fall of Atlantis, after the fall into darkness of the consciousness of humanity it would take many lifetimes in the earth cycle to have the opportunity to connect with the phoenix consciousness and to go through the rebirth process.
On earth at this time you have the opportunity to go through many phoenix rebirths in one incarnation if you are committed to your mission of ascension. But you see planet earth, consciousness of Gaia, she is also fast tracking at this time, she is rebirthing quicker and this is what is speeding up the light that is descending onto the planet. You are being asked now “Are you ready to shed?” “Are you really ready to embrace the higher aspect of yourself which has been unable to be present on earth, for many of you since the height of golden age Atlantis, and for some of you Lemuria and beyond.”
We have the opportunity now to take you to a place that is beyond what was possible during the atlantean epoch time. This rebirth at this equinox is the opportunity to embrace your rainbow self, to align your chakras into the movement into the one chakra, for ultimately when you ascend to the one chakra you will have mastered the highest ascension possible on earth at this time.
And why do you rebirth in stages? All of earth is contained within a grid of light, many grids of light. Some of these grids have been placed to limit humanity’s consciousness and they are being dismantled by light workers at this time. Other grids are holding all of this grand experiment of earth within a container of light. And as the layers are revealed, new grids are activated and dormant ones reactivated. Many of you have come to earth to be grid holders.
In order for these new grids to be activated it requires you to rebirth into a higher frequency version of yourself. And the jump with this equinox is a greater jump than your soul will ever have had the opportunity to go to on the earth plane. And this is why is it such a sacred portal. This is why the rainbow phoenix energy is being re-birthed through mother earth, down through all the ley lines to activate for you all. And you are all being called, you are being invited to re birth with the earths rainbow phoenix.”
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Phoenix Workshops:
Alphedia Arara has been channelling the Phoenix Consciousness for over ten years and has facilitated some amazing, powerful workshops with them. You can find the recorded workshops available to purchase and download below.
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Phoenix Crystal Skulls:
These crystal carved pheonix skulls are the first to be birthed in the world! The pheonix consciousness has been returning to mother Earth since 21.12.12 and now we are building up to the point at the Equinox 2021 when the Rainbow Pheonix can rebirth and further our integration into unification with the Divine of all that is!
This is an exciting time to be on the Earth and these powerful Phoenix skulls which embody the crystalline Phoenix consciousness are ready and here to help us all as we make this movement within.
Meditate with them and see what wisdom and healing guidance they bring to you. Are you ready to rebirth and rise from the ashes shedding what has held you back and shining the light of who you are? Pheonix is calling you.
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