Mermaids are the guardians of the seas. They look after the whales, dolphins, sharks, seals, porpoises, fish and turtles as other sea dwelling creatures. They are the female members of the tribe and the mermen as the masculine members. Mermaids are very friendly elementals and you will find them most easily on rocks out in the sea but they live all over. Mermaids are trying to get our attention at this time to heal the seas and work in harmony with the Ocean Sprites whose job it is to energetically purify the water. They are also willing to heal humans also particularly of emotional problems and traumas. Mermaid energy is very soothing.
The Mermaids I first met where in St Andrews on the East coast of Scotland. They had long orange hair, slim bodies and beautiful turquoise tails. They spoke with an ethereal feminine voice as if they were singing to me a mesmerising song at times. They told me of the danger man is posing to the delicate balance of the ocean system and how chemical spillages and dumps, sewages and missile testing is impacting on the ocean currents and life. They have grave concerns about the coral which is being bleached and also about the overfishing and whale killings. Whales and Dolphins carry special frequencies on earth as do sharks and I am learning more about this for my next book.
The Undines also live in the oceans and they look after the underwater plants and also the energy leylines. Their job is to keep the energy lines free so mother earth can send her energy along them. Water dragons also travel along these leylines and are affected when they become energetically choked also. The Undines live also in fresh water and look like mermaids except they have legs instead of tails. I have found it easier to communicate with freshwater Undines. They recently channelled through this message for me:
“I am an Undine, the guardian of the underwater world, I look after the plants, coral and more so of importance at this time, the energetic leylines that run under my waterway. Just as the environment on land is in energetic and physical turmoil, the natural world beneath the rivers and the seas is struggling too. Chemical outflow from factories and agricultural fields as well as salinity changes in the oceans along with temperature rises are creating havoc in the underwater world. Plants and coral are dying off, kelp which is a natural energetic purifying plant, is having to sprout up in places it did not before in order to soak up pollution and mineralise the sea beds below. This makes the mermaids’ and mermens’ jobs more difficult as their animals and fish are losing hunting grounds. What is happening to the river beds and ocean floors is of grave importance. Help is required to stabilise the waterways at this time. I am representing the undines and mermaids worldwide as I call out for lightworkers’ assistance as well as finding out physically what we can do , visualisation and meditations can be used too. Tomorrow you will receive a healing underwater meditation that is to be done by humans in order to heal the land beneath the waterways. I will leave you now in peace and I thank you for being willing to receive our message for few seem to care.”
Undine/mermaid meditation
Connect to the Undines by closing your eyes and asking for the Undines to come to you. You can do this sat by the sea, river, waterway or in your room or anywhere you feel comfortable. Visualise a beautiful woman with a sinuous body gracefully swimming in an underwater world and become this Undine. This may be a river, a stream, a lake or the sea. What ever the environment is the environment the Undines what you to help at this time. Notice around you the fish, the plants, the light filtering through the water above you. Notice if the water you swim in is clear, muddy, silty, or dirty, polluted. As you breathe under the water visualise yourself breathing out a golden light which is dissolving away any darkness, muddiness, dirt and unseen pollutants and continue to swim and breathe out this golden light for as long as you feel is necessary. Keep swimming and breathing the golden light clearing and energetically cleaning the waterways of the world.
If you come across any animals, fish, whales, dolphins, seals that look unwell go and heal them by breathing this purifying golden light all around them. Commune with them, ask what you personally can do to help. Receive their messages through your thoughts, feelings, visions and any words you hear.
If you are swimming in clear water now the Undines wish you to unblock any underwater leylines with your intent. You do this by swimming along the waterway floor and visualising a line of earth energy beneath you which you reopen through channelling divine love from your heart chakra into the line now. This light you may see as pink light radiating out of you. However it will be what ever colour this water way needs. Swim for as long as you like.
When you are ready swim up to the surface. Feel the sun hit your face and take a deep breath of pure air. The Undines thank you for your healing help today and ask you to make a wish which they will grant as long as it does not interfere in the free will of others. See gratitude to the Undines, Sprites, Kelpies and Mermaids for all the hard work they do maintaining the balance of the world’s water ways.
Repeat meditation as often as you like
More information on Undines, Mermaids and Ocean Sprite are found in Messages from Nature’s Guardians