Thursday 25th April 2024
9pm – 10.00pm BST
£12.50 World / £15 UK inc Vat
(There is no live video link or any recording of this distant healing session)
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu invite you to receive deep energy healing with the rare triple Grade A Rhodochrosite crystal skull Rosina as she offers to help us heal control issues that may have manifested in your life.
Rosina is a rare 2.5 kg Rhodochrosite skull carrying a high vibration and brings in deep heart healing and the love code frequencies.
This healing is part of the series working on hidden emotional vibrations that are trapped in our DNA and at the mitochondrial level that are often unacknowledged by us in this life time as they are buried so deep in our matrix.
Our souls know this is a great time of deep soul healing in this fast ascension process which is why we have elected to come to Earth at this time, to heal quicker and to fully step into the higher vibration template unburdened by our past.
In this session Rosina is focussing on the vibration of control.
Control issues affect our solar plexus chakra and can manifest physically with tightness in stomach or back around the midriff under rib cage.
In this healing session with Rosina she will be supporting your soul to acknowledge any issues you have with being in control or allowing yourself to be controlled.
Sometimes we are so used to be controlled by others we are unaware it is happening.
Other times it is very overt we are being controlled yet we do not have the tools or understandings to stop it happening.
This can be driven by fears, erroneous beliefs we deserve to be, lack of willpower or strength to tackle a situation.
Some of you may live a life where you feel you have to be in control of situations.
This is often driven by deep lack of trust in others and fears that things will fail unless we control a situation.
Rosina will be teaching us how to trust in the Divine Energies and surrender our imbalances with the vibration of control.
We have to know when to take control and when we can let life flow and trust we are safe.
When we do this we relax and the universe can lead us with ease on the next step of our soul path.
Issues around the vibration of control can be very triggering for people and other people’s egos.
Rosina will work to heal the underlying beliefs that are affecting you in this lifetime on this topic.
In this one hour crystal skull healing:
In the first 20 minutes Rosina will work with you to clear miasms, past life memories, ancestral pattering in your DNA about the vibration of control .
In the next 20 minutes Rosina will start the healing process that is personal to you around the vibration of control.
In the last 20 minutes Rosina will run inner contentment, heart happiness and joy frequencies in your solar plexus chakra to help you find freedom from the control imbalance that has been playing out in your life.
Channeled message from Rosina
“Greetings beloved Ones.
It is always a joy to come forth and support you on your ascension healing path.
I am delighted to now offer you the healing on the imbalances in the vibration of control.
You have to be able to control yourself at times and to stand in your power in situations but when you allow others to control you (for they are unable to do this unless you are energetically allowing this) you become unhappy, sick, frightened and ultimately not on your own unique path of light.
Now is the time to acknowledge the healing required openly and honestly with yourself regarding this vibration.
I will be loving here to support you in your healing journey.
There will be no live recording or video of this, as this is a real time receiving transmission.
This is done similarly to receiving a distant reiki healing where you lie down or sit down and rest to receive.
It is advised that you drink plenty of water before, during after this transmission.
If you are active during it and unable to meditate, then take time when you are able to meditate to connect with Rosina and ask to integrate all the healing work that has been done on you and it will be so.
If you are unable to receive this transmission whilst resting or are asleep, part of you will still be actively receiving the healing and you can connect in with Rosina when you are able to meditate to receive the information on the transmission he has run.
You may wish to print out a photograph of Rosina and place this under your pillow/chair whilst you meditate or carry it with you if you are going about your daily business at this time.
Healing Control Issues with Rosina Crystal Skull
Thursday 25th April 2024
9pm – 10.00pm BST
Remote Receiving Transmission only, without link, audio or video recording
Testimonials of previous healings
“Alphedia thank you very much for channeling Rosina so much valuable info. It’s truly priceless.” Rosina healing
“Wow, what a powerful healing. Ardmano came in strong and I really felt work on my crown and heart. Such perfect timing. Thank you.” Ardmano healing
“Thank you for these meditations. They are powerful and very helpful.”
“I just wanted to convey my deep gratitude to you and Sherling. I was in a bad state for a long time with constant attacks of migraine. I have had them since childhood. Going through ascension from 3rd to 5th dimension they have been constant. After the healing session with Sherling I started to feel better and today was able to do some spiritual work. Thank you.
Since finding your site and doing many of your healing workshops I have learnt so much. I especially enjoyed the Lions Gate Portal. As my birthday is also on the 08 08 it was a must for me.
You are truly gifted.” Sherling
“The healing last night was amazing! I thought I was asleep (which shows I wasn’t as you never think you’re asleep when you’re asleep) then woke up on the dot of 9pm. I definitely think I’m much calmer in general since doing all the skull healings xx”