The Atlantean civilisation lasted for over 260,000 years and ended in approximately 12000 – 10000 AD. The Intergalactic Council set up the Atlantean experiment to see if humans could maintain a human body and have free will while still being connected to the God head.
There were six stages of Altantis. The most commonly remembered period is that known as Golden Atlantis that lasted around 1,500 years. During this period humans embodied high frequency light and had spiritual and psychic gifts that we are only just starting to remember as we move fully into fifth dimensional consciousness.
Alphedia has memories of being an Atlantean High Priestess in the Nature Spirit Temple. People would come to her for healings in the Nature Spirit Garden and receive healing from the Elementals.
Alphedia was the guardian of a king cobra during this time whose energy protected the temple. She communicated with the Animal Kingdom and in particular took people to have healings with the Dolphins and Merpeople. During this period she could scan peoples chakras, something she can do still today and see where they are out of balance and the belief patterning that are causing it to be so.
She would write prescriptions for people to go to a psychic artist to have a picture painted for them to have in their house for a particular time period and receive colour healing from it. She also would make up special herbal teas that people would take to bring them back into balance with the Earth.
In Atlantis there were thirteen Crystal Skulls and Alphedia learnt how to communicate with the Crystal Skulls in their physical form during this time period. The Crystal Skulls are working with her again in this lifetime and have asked her to write a channelled book from them which she is starting in 2015.
Alphedia has also worked with the Angels of Atlantis for many years particularly with the Mahatma energy which was a healing energy only recently returned to the Planet.
To evoke the Mahatma energy call upon the Angels of Atlantis and ask for the golden white light of the Mahatma energy to be brought down through your crown chakra and into your pituitary gland to cleanse and heal it, then bring it down into the pineal gland, then the thyroid gland, then the thymus gland, then the pancreas, then the ovaries/testes, then the adrenal glands.
Doing this visualisation will boost your immune system tenfold the Angels say. It is good to use if you are feeling unwell as it speeds up the rate of recovery.
You can also experience the Mahatma energy in the Healing Atlantean Karma workshop.
The Fall of Atlantis
When the Atlantean experiment ended the vibration and consciousness of the populous had dropped. The High Priest and Priestesses removed the Crystal Skulls and took them to new destinations and they were hidden until the time was right.
So far only two of the Atlantean Crystal Skulls have resurfaced however the other skulls are able to be reconnected with in the etheric realms. By the fall of Atlantis Annunaki fear programming had been seeded into humanity and now many people are aware of this and are freeing this manipulation from their DNA with the help of the Star Beings.
The Annunaki accomplished this through advanced genetic engineering which ultimately meant the Intergalactic Council had to stop the experiment. The Annunaki programming takes away self sovereignty trapping people in a place of fear, unawareness and following the authority of others such as the State and religions.
Those of us who have moved into fifth dimensional consciousness are taking back our power and self sovereignty through remembering our connection with the divine and raising our energy vibrations as well as deprogramming ourselves.
Now is the time to reclaim our divine birth right which is one of freedom of thought and soul expression without constraints coming from a place of love, peace, non judgement, acceptance and harmony.
The Atlantean Unicorns
The Atlantean Unicorns are a special group of Unicorns who assisted with the Atlantean civilisation. Many of us have had past lives in Atlantis and particularly at the end of Atlantis when the vibrations and consciousness of the people was dropping, elements of fear and other lower emotions were imprinted into our body elementals. These are sometimes referred to as our deep psychic.
The Atlantean Unicorns offer help to you to feel loved and to see the love all around and to be centred and serene.
The end of Atlantis was traumatic for many of us and we still hold trauma, fears and belief programming from this period that no long services us and now is the time to let it all go and the unicorns say that by starting to love ourselves more deeply we let go of our critical judgements of self, doubting ourself and any anger, hatred and distrust of ourself.
The Atlantean Unicorns wish to assist us in finding ourselves and the love for ourselves once again as a portal of love opened on Sunday 15th September 2014.
One of Alphedia’s most popular workshops is the Atlantean Unicorn Workshop where they offer their service in opening our heart centres and reconnecting us to the Divine spark within. You can find this in the Shop.
Alphedia can bring through knowledge for people of their Atlantean experiences in a soul channeling to aid you with your healing and to reclaim your ancient wisdom.
Channeled message from the Goddess Atlantis
“My name is Atlantis and I am one of the Goddesses of the sea. My story is one of great beauty and at the same time destruction. My job was to watch over the civilisation of Atlantis during its time of advancement and my role changed after it destruction. I did my best to fore warn those in power of their demise but alas they did not listen.
I come to you now in this time of great change on earth to warn you of the current demise of the seas. The sea is of enormous importance to life on earth and is currently in great turmoil. The temperatures are rising, the currents are changing and the storms are increasing. The creatures living within are under stress. Their readers and gauges are out of kilter and their honing skills are getting lost. Migrations are not occurring and whales and dolphins are being sent off track. Take the examples like the beached pod of dolphins in the USA. It is vitally important to bring the Earth back into balance. Coral is being bleached; shoals of fish are dying out each day.
I wish you to highlight the gravity of this matter. Stop chundering out volatile gases and the chemicals. The link between the air and the sea is paramount to survival on this great planet. I don’t wish to see an Atlantis demise on my hands.
Please urge your governments to change their ways of production to stop the pollution and to protect the seas. The sea and her creatures within are of vital importance.
I will work with anyone who wishes to work with me to protect the sea. All you have to do is call or think Atlantis, come to me and I will be by your side, lovingly guiding your dealings with members of authority to help change their current attitudes to the management of the seas.”