Thursday 28th March 2024
9pm – 10pm GMT
£12.50 or £15 inc vat in UK
(There is no live video link or any recording of this distant healing session)
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu invite you to join them with their large 8 inch Black Obsidian Skull Siron to help you release any feelings of regret you are carrying.
This will include past life regrets too that are still held in your energy matrix asking to be processed.
Many of which you may be unaware of.
The vibration of regret occurs when we are unable to find forgiveness for our actions in the past and are making a judgement that you could have done something differently.
We will all likely have experienced regret in some form as it take maturity and soul mastery to be 100% comfortable with our life choices, decisions and actions.
As a child it is very rare that we had developed these skills or it may have be programmed into us by our adults to regret a life choice.
Regret ultimately however is an unacceptance of a choice we have made or not make at some point on our journey.
We can use the regret vibration as a self punishment tool to feed our pain bodies and stop ourselves learning soul lessons blocking our move forward in life.
Have you ever said; “I wish I hadn’t done that” or “I’d chosen that” or “I wish I had done this?”
The regret energy stores in our solar plexus chakra causing tightness in the lower back, stomach and intestinal issues.
It burdens the heart chakra with unforgiveness and unloving thoughts about self.
It can also choke the throat chakra as when we verbalise our regrets it tightens the flow of life-force energy through this chakra.
Siron is a powerful cleansing crystal skull who specialises in taking us into the Void space.
The void is the place of nothingness and all there is.
In the void you are your true self and you reside within your Beingness.
Your BEINGNESS is perfect.
When we accept our perfection we can have no regrets.
Every experience had in the moment has been a perfect choice.
Including the choices that may have caused us difficulties, as they have taught us life lessons our souls were seeking to grow through experiencing.
Regrets are detrimental to our soul perfection and our joyous lives going forth.
Allow Siron to heal you, to release them, so you are free to enjoy your life accepting your choices with ease.
In this one hour Siron Crystal skull healing:
In the first 20 minutes will work on healing regrets you are harbouring in your matrix from this current lifetime.
In the next 20 minutes Siron will work on past life, ancestral and karmic imprint regrets that you may be unaware are affecting you in this current timeline.
In the last 20 minutes Siron will support us by taking us in the the Void space so we can feel and experience our own perfection as souls knowing all is in perfect Divine order.
Channeled message from Siron
“It is an honour for me to come forth and support you in healing the regret vibration in your life.
To liberate you from any burdens and regrets you feel or express, and to aid you in moving into acceptance in this current moment.
I will support you in healing regret vibration from your matrix you may not know you are harbouring, from past lives and ancestral inheritance.
This healing will liberate you to feel a soul freedom you may not have ever felt before in this incarnation.
Allow yourself to be free and enter the Void with me.
There will be no live recording or video of this, as this is a real time receiving transmission.
This is done similarly to receiving a distant reiki healing where you lie down or sit down and rest to receive.
It is advised that you drink plenty of water before, during after this transmission.
Alphedia will connect your energy to Siron’s for you to receive your healing.
If you are active during it and unable to meditate, then take time when you are able to meditate to connect with Siron and ask to integrate all the healing work that has been done on you and it will be so.
If you are unable to receive this transmission whilst resting or are asleep, part of you will still be actively receiving the healing and you can connect in with Siron when you are able to meditate to receive the information on the transmission she has run.
You may wish to print out a photograph of Siron and place this under your pillow/chair whilst you meditate or carry it with you if you are going about your daily business at this time.
Thursday 28th March 2024
9 – 10pm GMT UK time
£12.50 or £15 inc vat in UK
Remote Receiving Transmission only, without link, audio or video recording
Book Transmission
Testimonials of previous healings
“Thank you Anka such beautiful healing energy! Always soothing and reassuring xx”
“I could clearly feel her clear stuff from me while driving home from work. She is very business like but loving and soft.” Anne Karula Group Healing
“Alphedia thank you very much for channeling Rosina so much valuable info. It’s truly priceless.” Rosina healing
“Wow, what a powerful healing. Ardmano came in strong and I really felt work on my crown and heart. Such perfect timing. Thank you.” Ardmano healing
“Thank you for these meditations. They are powerful and very helpful.”
“I just wanted to convey my deep gratitude to you and Sherling. I was in a bad state for a long time with constant attacks of migraine. I have had them since childhood. Going through ascension from 3rd to 5th dimension they have been constant. After the healing session with Sherling I started to feel better and today was able to do some spiritual work. Thank you.
“Since finding your site and doing many of your healing workshops I have learnt so much. I especially enjoyed the Lions Gate Portal. As my birthday is also on the 08 08 it was a must for me.
You are truly gifted.”
“The healing last night was amazing! I thought I was asleep (which shows I wasn’t as you never think you’re asleep when you’re asleep) then woke up on the dot of 9pm. I definitely think I’m much calmer in general since doing all the skull healings xx”