Friday 22nd December 2023
9:00pm – 10:00pm GMT
£12.50 (£15 for UK including vat)
(There is no video or recording of this distant healing session)
This Solstice join Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu and their beautiful 10 inch Black Obsidian Dragon Skull Rafundus to increase your Spiritual Light.
We all hold spiritual light being by our very nature spiritual beings.
How bright and how much spiritual light you are embodying depends on your lifestyle, your chakras, your thought forms, your soul work in previous incarnations.
You can make the choice at any time to hold more spiritual light and to increase your energy frequency.
If you are kind, forgiving and compassionate and loving towards others you imbue more light.
If you are negative, violent, thoughtless, selfish, aggressive your light quotient is lower as these denser energies hold more space in your matrix.
The Dragons are powerful transformative light beings who are excellent to work with to transmute obstacles and fears.
Black Obsidian is a highly protective crystal so connecting with Rafundus’s consciousness and also his Black Obsidian crystal skull home will support you in transmuting lower frequencies that bring your light quotient down.
When your light quotient is high you feel happier, healthier, can see solutions to problems with ease.
You can have and experience positive relationships with others and feel joy and happiness within.
The more spiritual light you hold the more easy it is to connect with spiritual guidance and guides and to receive Divine wisdom.
Whether you are at the Winter Solstice, where we are celebrating the return of the light or the Summer Solstice where you are celebrating the maximum light, focussing on your light quotient this Solstice will enable you to move into the New Year in greater joy.
Even in the midst of unseeming darkness and distress the light will guide you home.
It is a choice how we experience life and how we view our life situations.
The more light you hold the more positivity you can experience.
In this 1 hour healing:
- The first thirty minutes of the transmission Rafundus will work on clearing your energy field of any implants, psychic attacks, attachments, and entities. He will cleanse your chakras and work on your thought forms that are keeping your frequency lower.
- The last thirty minutes of the transmission Rafundus bring in more spiritual light into your matrix to enable you to feel lighter and happier.
Channelled Message from Rafundus:
“Greetings Dear Ones,
It is a great joy to come forth to celebrate Solstice day with you.
To enable you to hold more light quotient and to experience a boost at this Solstice Point.
When you hold more spiritual light you move into a positive mindset.
You are able to stay out of drama in relationships and you are able to create and experience positivity.
The more Spiritual light within allows you to feel and be more intuitive and psychically aware.
You are able to see the higher purposes and not be a victim to circumstances.
The focus this Solstice is positivity and knowing who you are and being who you are deep within.
It is a joy for me to offer you this transformation healing experience.
As always Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu will be holding the space to connect in each and every one of you who wishes to part of this transmission to the consciousness of Rafundus.
There will be no live recording or video of this, as this is a real time receiving transmission.
When booking this transmission your name will be placed under Rafundus and called in by Alphedia Arara at the start of this transmission.
It is advised that you drink plenty of water before and after this transmission.
If you are active during it and unable to meditate, then take time when you are able to meditate to connect with Rafundus and ask to integrate all the healing work that has been done on you and it will be so.
You may wish to print out a photograph of Rafundus and place this under your pillow/chair whilst you meditate or carry it with you if you are going about your daily business at this time.
Friday 22nd December 2023
9:00pm – 10:00pm GMT
£12.50 (£15 for UK including vat)
(There is no video or recording of this distant healing session)
Please book at least one hour if possible prior to the transmission for Alphedia to place your name under Rafundus
There will be no audio, video or recording of this real time transmission.
It is happening in the multidimensional universal form of consciousness.
Testimonials from Previous Group Healings
“It’s awakened my own spiritual path again!! Been more focused xxI love the skull healings think they are great.” – Sherling Group Healing
“Loved the healing with Samanka! As Auraengus said, it felt as though she was etherically re-wiring and making new connections in my brain. Just before the end and integration I most definitely felt a warm flood at my temples! Amazing! Felt quite altered and with a new clarity ….. fab healing, thank you!” – Samanka Group Healing
“Wow, totally blasted away and still integrating. Became very tired approx 1 hour before the transmission. Started meditating and was off and gone immediately. If one of my cats hadn’t started asking for attention after one hour I probably would have fallen into very deep sleep immediately after. Remember small bits of several recurring themes passing through my field. But not much detail. Will tune in again this evening and ask dear Ardmano if there is anything that I need to remember or integrate consciously. Feeling at ease and tired today. Decided to relax and take it very easy to allow further processing.
Thank you so much dearest Alphedia and Ardmano! Feels like a major shift!!” – Ardmano Group Healing
“Thank you and Rafundus so much for this wonderful, profound healing!Incredible, honestly” – Rafundus Group Healing