Unicorn Skull Healing Group Premier!
9.00pm-10.00pm GMT
Thursday 9th November 2023
£12.50 (£15 for UK including vat)
This is a distant healing energy transmission session without live video link, audio or video and without a recording
Join Alphedia with her stunning 4.5 inch Rose Quartz Unicorn Skull Kleana for a powerful hour’s healing session on amplifying the power of Self Love in your life to heal.
As the frequency of the Earth rises after the crystalline gateways have opened any areas where we are subconsciously being unloving to ourselves in our thoughts, actions, habits and emotions will be becoming more destructive in our lives.
The Unicorns are a beautiful realms of loving beings who support humanity and other sentient beings on Earth by showering us with their Divine Love Codes.
Kleana will work in this hour’s healing on strengthening the Love frequency with your holographic matrix.
She will use her Unicorn healing powers to support you in healing any self negative thoughts and emotions you are holding on to.
Her powerful Rose Quartz energy will soften any protection barriers you have placed to protect you from being hurt or emotionally upset.
This will allow the crystalline love frequency to penetrate deeper into your healing process.
Allowing you to feel nurtured, deeply loved and held by the Unicorns and Source.
In this one hour Session
Kleana in the first 20 minute will support you by flooding your matrix with the Unicorn Love codes. Their powerful healing frequencies will soften your heart and help you feel supported in Love.
In the next 20 minutes Kleana will start the healing process of any unloving thoughts, actions, memories in this and other life times that are held in your matrix.
In the last 20 minutes Kleana will run a Power of Love unicorn healing through your energy field helping you in any area you are looking for healing in your life at this time.
Channelled Message from Kleana
“Dear one of the light I am delighted to come through from the Unicorn Realm to offer you may gift of love healing.
This process will support you through the energy shifts and support you in remember the power of love to heal.
As you evolve as souls on Earth you are being asked to step fully into living in Love with yourself and who you are as a soul.
It is the most powerful healing or spiritual gift you can give yourself.
Know that the Unicorn healing light is pure and my Pink Ray codes will assist you in letting go of hidden darkness and any self love.
It is however a choice to make this move.
To get out of the habit of being unloving towards yourself in your actions and thoughts.
Self criticism is the most disabling habit humanity is addicted to.
For some is evolves deeper to self hatred which is sad as I see you all as brilliant light beings full of love and hope.
You have the power to heal and you deserve to heal.
Switch off the analytical mind and move into acceptance in the heart.
Break the habits and fill yourself with love.
As always Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu will be holding the space to connect in each and every one of you who wishes to part of this transmission to the consciousness of Kleana
There will be no live recording or video link of this healing as this is a real time receiving energy transmission.
This is done similarly to receiving a distant reiki healing where you lie down or sit down and rest to receive.
Your name will be placed under Kleana and called in by Auraengus at the start of this transmission.
It is advised that you drink plenty of water after this transmission.
If you are active during it and unable to meditate, then take time when you are able to meditate to connect with Kleana and ask to integrate all the healing work that has been done on you and it will be so.
If you are unable to receive this transmission whilst resting or are asleep, part of you will still be actively receiving the healing and you can connect in with Kleana when you are able to meditate to receive the information on the transmission he has run.
You may wish to print out a photograph of Kleana and place this under your pillow/chair whilst you meditate or carry it with you if you are going about your daily business at this time.
Unicorn Skull Healing Group Premier!
9.00pm-10.00pm GMT
Thursday 9th November 2023
£12.50 (£15 for UK including vat)
This is a distant healing energy transmission session without live video link, audio or video and without a recording
Testimonials from Previous Group Healings with crystal skulls
“I just love Magdalena healing so much!!! She is so loving and soothing” Magdalena Group Healing
“I find Magdalena healings very soothing and nurturing. I feel like I am held by her energy in love.” – Magdalena Group Healing
“Very powerful, direct energy to my back and to my heart then it radiated all over me. So loving and soothing. Helped erase mind worries. Then I radiated energy to peace in world. Thank you! love to all.” – Ardmano Group Healing
“I’m feeling lighter and a greater sense of clarity.” – Ardmano Group Healing
“Wow, totally blasted away and still integrating. Became very tired approx 1 hour before the transmission. Started meditating and was off and gone immediately. If one of my cats hadn’t started asking for attention after one hour I probably would have fallen into very deep sleep immediately after. Remember small bits of several recurring themes passing through my field. But not much detail. Will tune in again this evening and ask dear Ardmano if there is anything that I need to remember or integrate consciously. Feeling at ease and tired today. Decided to relax and take it very easy to allow further processing.Thank youso much dearest Alphedia and Ardmano! Feels like a major shift!!” – Ardmano Group Healing
“Immediately felt lighter – much lighter – after the session – a lot of release continued from my night before – feminine energy blocks – and slept through the night. 3 cheers for me. And Ardmano” – Ardmano Group Healing