Thursday 5th October, 12th October, 19th October and 26th October 2023
9:00pm – 10:00pm BST
£12.50 (£15 for UK including vat) per session or £45 for all 4 (£54 UK inc Vat)
(There is no video or recording of this distant healing session)
Join Alphedia and Auraengus Manu with their beautiful high vibration Crystal Dragon skulls as we prepare this month to the Samhain Celtic New Year. (Hallow’s Eve or Halloween are other names).
This is a 4 part healing series to support you in enhancing your Clairvoyance (spiritual sight), Clairaudience (spiritual hearing), Clairsentience (spiritual feeling) and Claircognisanse (spiritual knowing) abilities.
Your 4 main “Clairs” are mainly how you receive psychic and spiritual guidance.
Some people are born with strong psychic gifts, others hone them throughout their life and continue to deepen them and utilise them to support life while incarnate.
No matter what level you are at with your spiritual abilities the Dragons will work to enable you to enhance them.
Allowing you to receive clearer wisdom and knowledge.
The Dragons are master transformers and are offering to support us in transforming any blocks to our psychic channels and to enhance and strengthen them.
The Crystal Dragons who embody the Dragon skulls are supporting us after the Equinox shift into the higher 7th dimensional template to allow us to use our Clairs more easily in daily life and to enable us to learn our spiritual lessons and create our lives according to our Divine Paths on the higher timeline trajectory.
They are ready and willing to support us to assist our spiritual growth and psychic abilities at this time.
Thursday 5th October 9pm -10pm BST
Clairvoyance Enhancement with Silara Lapis Lazuli Dragon
£12.50 (£15 for UK including vat) or Special Offer £45 for all 4 (£54 UK inc Vat)
Clairvoyance is the ability to see into the realms and dimensions and receive psychic visions and prophetic dreams.
Silara is a 4 inch Dragon skull made of blue Lapis Lazuli crystal.
She is a Stone of Inner Vision, clairvoyance, true communications.
Lapis works on the upper chakras, throat, third, eye and crown, stimulating psychic abilities and clairvoyance.
Lapis Lazuli is the stone of truth and courage, used in Egyptian times by the Pharaohs as a symbol of their lineage and spiritual knowledge.
In this 1 hour healing:
- The first thirty minutes of the transmission Silara will work balancing your third eye Chakra and healing any underlying energetic issues (can be ancestral, past live, karmic) affecting your clairvoyant vision.
- The last thirty minutes of the transmission Silara will support you enhancing your clairvoyance and enable you to receive any clairvoyant visions from the dragon realm to help your life at this time.
With this link to buy is the option to purchase all four of the sessions at a discount price
Thursday 12th October 9pm -10pm BST
Clairaudience Enhancement with Iinka Clear Quartz Dragon Skull
£12.50 (£15 for UK including vat)
Clairaudience is the ability to hear the other realms speaking to us guidance and wisdom.
Iinka is a 6 inch Clear Quartz Dragon Skull.
Clear Quartz is an excellent crystal to work with for enhancing psychic and spiritual gifts.
It is a stone of clarity and focus. Raising the vibration in any situation.
In this 1 hour healing:
- The first thirty minutes of the transmission Iinka will work balancing your ear and throat Chakras and healing any underlying energetic issues (can be ancestral, past live, karmic) affecting your clairaudient hearing.
- The last thirty minutes of the transmission Iinka will support you enhancing your clairaudience and enable you to receive any clairaudient guidance from the dragon realm to help your life at this time.
Thursday 19th October 9-10pm BST
Clairsentience Enhancement with Anka Scottish Serpentine Dragon Skull
£12.50 (£15 for UK including vat)
Anka is a 10.5 inch Master Dragon skull who has helped hundreds of people through her healing energy around the world.
Scottish Serpentine is also know as Scottish Green Marble. It has a lovely soft soothing energy that gently opens the heart chakra.
Anka is a compassionate dragon who is excellent to assist us in getting in touch with our feelings and our clairsentience.
In this 1 hour healing:
- The first thirty minutes of the transmission Anka will work balancing your heart Chakras and healing any underlying energetic issues (can be ancestral, past live, karmic) affecting your clairsentience feeling.
- The last thirty minutes of the transmission Anka will support you enhancing your clairaudience and enable you to receive any clairsentient guidance from the dragon realm to help your life at this time.
Thursday 26th October 9-10pm BST
Claircognisance Enhancement with Orcas Amethyst Geode Dragon Skull
£12.50 (£15 for UK including vat)
Claircognisance is the ability to know spiritual information and to channel this knowledge through the crown chakra.
Amethyst is a high vibration purple crystal associated with spiritual wisdom and healing.
Orcas is a 9 inch dragon skull.
In this 1 hour healing:
- The first thirty minutes of the transmission Orcas will work balancing your crown Chakras and healing any underlying energetic issues (can be ancestral, past live, karmic) affecting your claircognisant knowing.
- The last thirty minutes of the transmission Orcas will support you enhancing your claircognisance and enable you to receive any claircognisant guidance from the dragon realm to help your life at this time.
Channelled message from the Crystalline Dragon skulls
“It is our honour to support you all in enhancing your psychic abilities be transforming the energy with your Clairs.
Each session will target a specific area in order that by the time the wheel turns again you will be more confident in your spiritual gifts and abilities to receive direct guidance.
More on Earth are awakening daily to their spiritually and their connection with the ancient dragon realm.
We dragons are delighted you are ready to work with our high frequency energy as you move deeper into your crystalline form.
The Ascension process is in full swing.
You are ready able to receive confidently your own spiritual guidance and we dragons wish to help you transform anything standing in your way of this process now.
As always Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu will be holding the space to connect in each and every one of you who wishes to part of this transmission to the consciousness of Iinka.
There will be no live link or recording or video of this, as this is a real time receiving transmission.
Your name will be placed under Iinka and called in by Auraengus at the start of this transmission.
It is advised that you drink plenty of water before and after this transmission.
If you are active during it and unable to meditate, then take time when you are able to meditate to connect with Iinka and ask to integrate all the healing work that has been done on you and it will be so.
You may wish to print out a photograph of Iinka and place this under your pillow/chair whilst you meditate or carry it with you if you are going about your daily business at this time.
Auraengus will connect you to Iinka and to place your name under to start the healing if you book in advance.
There will be no link, audio, video or recording of this real time transmission.
It is happening in the multidimensional universal form of consciousness.