Thursday 29th September 2022
9:00pm – 10:00pm BST
(There is no video or recording of this distant healing session)
Following on from the powerful Equinox Portal, Alphedia’s 4kg Merlinite crystal skull Sherling has offered us an hour long group healing.
Sherling was Alphedia’s first large skull that she became guardian of and is connected to the Merlin Consciousness.
Sherling of course gives us his valuable year ahead predictions every New Year, check out what he said for this year here.
The Equinox Portal was a powerful upgrade for us all and many are feeling the effects of this.
For some of us it is bringing up deep issues for us to look at and finally see, witness and tackle in our lives.
For others you are feeling energised, excited and ready for the next stage of ascension, which can cause one to be ungrounded and disconnected from the physical Earth.
Some of you may be feeling physically unwell in some areas, experiencing pain, challenges and return of old symptoms as your body struggles to process the high frequency shifts.
By recalibrating your frequency you will feel more ready for life in the higher template with greater ease.
Sherling will be working with Merlin for this healing session
In this One Hour healing
- In this transmission of healing Sherling is offering the first thirty minutes to be a deep healing on your energy field for any issues you are struggling with at this time.
- The last thirty minutes of the transmission he will be working on calibrating your frequency into the new higher template.
Sherling is a Master Crystal Skull and this will be an advanced transmission bringing rapid alteration to your matrix helping you to feel more balanced and aligned with greater clarity on your Earth Walk.
Channeled Message from Sherling:
“Greetings, greetings, greetings I am Sherling.
It is with great honour I come forward to offer my services.
It is an exciting time on Earth you are ready to embark upon.
The high frequency light that is bombarding Earth is a great opportunity for you to rise higher in consciousness and to be able to move forward with greater ease when you are in the flow of it.
Know in this healing I will support you with your own unique issues to rebalance and to recalibrate you fully onto the higher timeline.
It is my honour to do this work to assist you moving forward with greater ease at this time.
Sherling Merlinite Crystal Skull Transmission Remote Healing
Thursday 29th September 2022
9.00 – 10.00 GMT
Please book at least one hour prior to the transmission for Alphedia to place your name under Sherling
There will be no video or recording of this transmission as it is happening in the multidimensional universal form of consciousness.
(This transmission is live only and will not be recorded)
Book Healing
If you book at least an hour prior to this transmission your name will be placed under Sherling and called in by Alphedia at the start of this transmission.
It is advised that you drink plenty of water after this transmission and if you are active during it and unable to meditate, then take time when you are able to meditate to connect with Sherling and ask to integrate all the healing work that has been done on you and it will be so.
You may wish to print out a photograph of Sherling and place this under your pillow/chair whilst you meditate or carry it with you if you are going about your daily business at this time.
Alphedia Arara will hold the space with Sherling for this hour’s healing transmission.
It is advisable to be able to lie down and rest while the healing is taking place.
If you are unable to rest during the hour know that your higher multi dimensional self will be worked upon, and when you are able to meditate or during your dream time you will be able to access fully the affects of the healing.
There is no live recording of this transmission, it is a form akin to distance reiki where you lie down and receive through your multi dimensional self.
Crystal skull transmissions for healing are incredibly popular, booking at least an hour prior to the healing starting is recommended to allow time for you to be called into the sacred healing space.
Testimonials from Previous Group Healings
“Very powerful, direct energy to my back and to my heart then it radiated all over me. So loving and soothing. Helped erase mind worries. Then I radiated energy to peace in world.
Thank you! love to all.💕” – Beth, Ardmano Group Healing
“Amazing heart shift. Grateful🙏🦋” – Caroline, Ardmano Group Healing
“A powerful healing for not only us but also for our ancestors and our descendants too. Feeling blessed to have experienced it. ” – Anne, Lunarity Group Healing
“Great healing from Lunarity, felt the generational shift of beliefs regarding wealth. Have cleared this and those of my immediate family now also. So this will be an interesting future.👏🌟❤️” – Pauline, Lunarity Group Healing